News from TFT Woodexperts
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Training and Gaining
A further 19 students from a mix of independent, national and regional builders’ and timber merchants qualified for their Level 4 Certificate in Wood Science and Timber Technology, with TFT Woodexperts, at the end of May, with three Merits and two Distinctions among the results . An additional 5 students also embarked on TFT’s Level 4 course in January with a further 8 starting during April and May; Another 8 are due to start in the Autumn. The next Certificate Examination will be held before Christmas 2017.
“There’s a high demand for timber knowledge, well beyond just the basics, as merchants seek to differentiate themselves from the competition,” reports TFT Woodexperts’ director Jim Coulson. “Employers appreciate that the Level 4 qualification fits into the national qualifications framework, and that it results in staff having a much more in-depth expertise, to boost customer service, from Trade Counter level right up to Branch Managers. Companies also value the flexibility that our organisation can offer in terms or tutorial and examination dates, enabling teaching and qualifications to fit around the needs of their businesses.”
The TFT Woodexperts accredited Level 4 Certificate entitles graduates to claim Technician level membership of IOM3 in Wood Science (TIMMM) – and ours is the only course which does that. The IOM3 incorporates the wood sector’s professional body, the Wood Technology Society (WTS – which took over from the IWSc). And Woodexperts are now piloting a fully-accredited Level 6 (Masters equivalent) course, with their first supervised candidate submitting his thesis this summer. That will allow application as “Member” status – MIMMM.
“Many of those studying with us have taken product knowledge-related Level 2 and Level 3 courses, but want to further enhance their knowledge of wood as a material, and so progress their careers within the Timber Industry. Their greatly increased wood knowledge and their greater confidence in answering wood-related queries has tangible benefits to their employer’s sales development. This can be seen in the number of Woodexperts-trained entrants for the timber industry’s prestigious Career Development Awards each September.”